We offer all vocal processing services from engineering to creative FX and processing.
Visit the contact us page to enquire more about this service.
Contact us for more details
● The file format should be Wav in 16/24 bit or AIFF.
● No Dithering used while exporting.
● You would leave all your creative processing and automation in place.
● We would only do the technical processing from a mixing & engineering
● You can send your upload via any upload service, wetransfer.com,
googledrive, dropbox , souncloud etc.
A hard revision is when you provide a new pre-master with changes to the final mixdown. For example, you realize you submitted a pre-master where the vocal was too low in the mix and you would like to correct this by sending a revised version of the pre-master with louder vocals.
● A soft revision is when we send you a revised master using the same pre-master. For example, we send you an alternative version of your master with more width and presence in the mids and highs between 2 and 5k.